Dice Poker - 25 kb - Flash 5 Mouse to control. Havenīt done any dice or card games before. So I tried to make a dice game. Wasnīt as easy as I thought it would be ;) Took me two evenings instead of one.. :D This game would most likely be better of as multiplayer, but since I havenīt got a good socket server or the knowledge to set up one, it will have to be as it is.. Rules: You have to finish the upper section first. It contains numbers 1 to 6. Ones is the sum of all 'Ones', the Twos is the sum of all 'Twos' and so on.. You can get a bonus of 50 points if the sum of the upper section is 63 or more. Lower section: Pair - Two of the same kind. Two pairs - Two of the same kind, times two. Example: Two 'Fives' and two 'Ones' Three of a kind - Three of the same kind. Four of a kind - Four of the same kind. Small straight - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Gives 15 points. Large straight - 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Gives 20 points. Full House - Three dices of the same value and the other two of a different, but the same value. Chance - The total of all dices. Yahtzee - All dices of the same value. Gives 50 points. (C) OutsideOfSociety 2004. |